This is my guide to using IKEA LÖVA leaf bed canopies for an adult size bed, for example for co-sleeping in a family bed with your kids. This might also work well for adults with sensory needs. It involves 3D printed components, which can be ordered from a third party if you don’t have access…Continue reading Ikea LÖVA co-speepling leaf canopy hack for bed sharing with kids
Category: Well-being
The Origin of “A Franciscan Prayer” – a Non-Traditional Blessing
Sometimes, it’s good to find the origin of prayers – and they can be unexpected and wonderful. I am using the following prayer for the blessing of my marriage to my partner Joseph: Franciscan Blessing May God bless you with discomfort,At easy answers, half-truths,And superficial relationshipsSo that you may liveDeep within your heart. May God…Continue reading The Origin of “A Franciscan Prayer” – a Non-Traditional Blessing
Walking with my dogs in Spring Wood
Spring wood is a small area of ancient woodland just a few minutes drive from my house. At this time of year the whole area is filled with Bluebells and Wild Garlic. It’s very beautiful and strange, and also the dog’s really enjoy it. This post contains some lovely photographs.
Save Yourselves – Reflections of a Quiet Anglican
Some equations take time to understand – but the maths is simple. I, just as much as every stranger who provokes the fueling of my heart with good will and compassion, must be cared for.
What do vegans eat? Vol 12.
After a long-weekend conference where the usual silliness of Panic, what the hell is she gonna eat? So does X animal count? How do you KNOW spinach can’t FEEL? But WHY? Panic again etc I felt the urge to dump a bumper What Do Vegans Eat? Out here. I had lost the will for a…Continue reading What do vegans eat? Vol 12.
“Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
I set out to explain a lot in this blog, I wanted to divine and define precisely what I have been feeling in the past few days, since it was announced that the new Bishop of Burnley is to be ordained by only males who have never ordained a woman. Burnley is my home town,…Continue reading “Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
The have a go hero (gardener) – a window box
I am not a good gardener. I either don’t do anything at all or I start over-large projects never to finish them, leaving a wake of dead plants and weed filled containers behind me. But things have changed now: I have a small damp north facing yard of my very own… so think it’s time…Continue reading The have a go hero (gardener) – a window box
Going no-poo – Vol 1
So, those of you who see me often may have noticed I have very long hair and a permanently pissed off scalp. The medical shampoo I used for years to control my raging flaky-angry-bleeding-erupting scalp was withdrawn without reason a few years ago, and I have been searching for an alternative. I even started…Continue reading Going no-poo – Vol 1