Sometimes, it’s good to find the origin of prayers – and they can be unexpected and wonderful. I am using the following prayer for the blessing of my marriage to my partner Joseph: Franciscan Blessing May God bless you with discomfort,At easy answers, half-truths,And superficial relationshipsSo that you may liveDeep within your heart. May God…Continue reading The Origin of “A Franciscan Prayer” – a Non-Traditional Blessing
Category: Vegan
What do vegans eat? Vol 12.
After a long-weekend conference where the usual silliness of Panic, what the hell is she gonna eat? So does X animal count? How do you KNOW spinach can’t FEEL? But WHY? Panic again etc I felt the urge to dump a bumper What Do Vegans Eat? Out here. I had lost the will for a…Continue reading What do vegans eat? Vol 12.
What did Vegans ate? Vol. 11
Take away curry and beer.
What do vegans eat? Vol 9
For breakfast I am having marmite and hummus (mixed together!) on toast. I really love this bread by jacksons too! Also, a black cofee from the coffee exchange in the mum I got free with my nationwide (ethical!) mortgage. Hurrah!
What do vegans eat? Vol 10 – #leftoverfest!
#Leftoverfest is the best! You save up leftovers from a few days food, mix with some reduced food from the supermarket, and have a feast! We had… From top left in rows to right (roughly) Couldron organic marinated tofu pieces (like this) Reduced chili stirfry and fresh noodles (cost about 40p in total) 6p baguettes,…Continue reading What do vegans eat? Vol 10 – #leftoverfest!
What do vegans eat? Vol 8
Found some yummy mushrooms in booths, added them to a readymade pasta sauce with some greens and some yeast flakes to add a little extra protien and some vitamin b12
What do vegans eat? Vol 7
A quick tea of some courgette, garlic, chilli and red-cabbage: Stir-fried, then when cool some yeast flakes stirred in (lots of protien plus b vitamins)… Serverd with leafy salad, cold beans and tomatoes with basil infused flaxseed oil, balsamic, hummus and some bread… Then for pudding some fresh English plums and a fig each… Yummy!
What do vegans drink? Vol 2
People are often suprised to hear that the majority of beers and wines are not, or may not be, vegan/vegetarian. A part of fish if often used as a filtration agent. There are diffrent ways to approach this issue, ethically – is it an ingredient? Like fish in fishfingers? Or is it “used in the…Continue reading What do vegans drink? Vol 2
What do vegans eat? Vol 5
Awesome meal tonight! Made some baked turnips, a bit like baked potatoes. Then some stirfried veg: mushrooms, onion, chilli, garlic okra Plus red cabbage and green beans and some beans Then yesterdays leftover pusles/lentils with tomato, basil, pepper and some balsamic vinegar Served up with some chappati’s And for desert, I made coconut and lime…Continue reading What do vegans eat? Vol 5
What do vegans eat? Vol 6
Square wraps with Smokey hummus, re-fried beans, a courgette/aubergine/garlic/onion/balsamic thing from yesterday, a mixed-grains and pulses thing with peppers, sprouted beans and spinnach salad with an organic, vegan, fair-trade sulphur free red wine. Bonza!