We had a tricky session at techie heaven a few weeks ago, where we didn’t have enough leaders to run normal activities. I instead bought some popcorn and sat the kids in front my favourite documentary, RIP: a Remix Manifesto by Brett Gaylor (2008). Thanks to Brett for telling me about the additional resources (below) which we used along side the video.
Category: Uncategorized
A Community Managers Notes and Links from FOSDEM 2015
Notes from fosdem 2015 relevant to digital community managers.
Dyslexia and Captcha
Funny photo!
The Unofficial Community Managers Guide to FOSDEM 2015
I will be attending fosdem for the first time in a few days, and have been working hard figuring out all the best talks for Community Managers to go to. Here is a lowdown to save you the effort! Where there are conflicting events, the one I personally will attend is in black and the…Continue reading The Unofficial Community Managers Guide to FOSDEM 2015
“Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
I set out to explain a lot in this blog, I wanted to divine and define precisely what I have been feeling in the past few days, since it was announced that the new Bishop of Burnley is to be ordained by only males who have never ordained a woman. Burnley is my home town,…Continue reading “Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
The Encryption Game – teaching young people about email encryption
The game teaches the basic principles of asymmetric encryption in a fun way; that is a public and private key. Additional topics such as key servers, the web of trust and “back-door” snooping are also touched on.
What did Vegans ate? Vol. 11
Take away curry and beer.
What do vegans eat? Vol 9
For breakfast I am having marmite and hummus (mixed together!) on toast. I really love this bread by jacksons too! Also, a black cofee from the coffee exchange in the mum I got free with my nationwide (ethical!) mortgage. Hurrah!
What do vegans eat? Vol 8
Found some yummy mushrooms in booths, added them to a readymade pasta sauce with some greens and some yeast flakes to add a little extra protien and some vitamin b12
What do vegans eat? Vol 7
A quick tea of some courgette, garlic, chilli and red-cabbage: Stir-fried, then when cool some yeast flakes stirred in (lots of protien plus b vitamins)… Serverd with leafy salad, cold beans and tomatoes with basil infused flaxseed oil, balsamic, hummus and some bread… Then for pudding some fresh English plums and a fig each… Yummy!