Protect yourself from Thunderbird email auto-complete when you start a new job

I had heard tell of dramatic/humiliating problems caused by erroneous email auto-complete before, but never been personally affected. I recently discovered that, while social embarrassments are… embarrassing, when you leave one employer and join a new one, the stakes are raised and the problems caused could easily have wider repercussions. I decided to sort out…Continue reading Protect yourself from Thunderbird email auto-complete when you start a new job

Image and Attribution Identification Game using Blockhash and

I heard Jonas Öberg speak about blockhash and (since mothballed) at Fosdem2015. The general purpose of these tools is to allow users to make attribution of CC licensed images easy. First they identify CC licensed images when they are used on-line, the tools then match the image with a record in a central database…Continue reading Image and Attribution Identification Game using Blockhash and

“Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.

I set out to explain a lot in this blog, I wanted to divine and define precisely what I have been feeling in the past few days, since it was announced that the new Bishop of Burnley is to be ordained by only males who have never ordained a woman. Burnley is my home town,…Continue reading “Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.