How to take Screenshots of a banking app on android

I’m working on a series of blogs about banking apps, and screenshots are important to document what I see: however some banking apps don’t allow screenshots at all. Starling, for example, has an option to enable screenshots for 15 minutes but Cooperative Bank doesn’t have that option. Getting round this took me while to figure…Continue reading How to take Screenshots of a banking app on android

WordPress Portfolio theme: fix for “Nothing Found” + search box on home page

I experienced a bug recently with the Portfolio theme for WordPress, which I use on my Gingerling Design website. The bug was possibly triggered by the installation of the Gutenberg beta plugin. Usually on my Home Page shows a series of images generated from Blog posts, but one day it started showing a search box…Continue reading WordPress Portfolio theme: fix for “Nothing Found” + search box on home page

Troubleshooting changes in Analytics: Bounce rate down: Page views up caused by second Matomo / Google tracking code

Hi all, just a quick dip into website analytics today! Over the years I have learned that watching your analytics like they are drying paint after you make big changes to the site is a great way to…. find errors and be disappointed! (Not kidding unfortunatly) After most major website revamps I have been involved…Continue reading Troubleshooting changes in Analytics: Bounce rate down: Page views up caused by second Matomo / Google tracking code

GDPR: you are allowed to maintain a blacklist, suppression list or stoplist. You are also allowed to freak out and panic.

In May the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force (and no, brexit won’t get us out of it – still no benefit to brexit. Sorry.) In my view this is shaping up be a complicated piece of law for small businesses to follow, both intellectually and technically. Worryingly, I’ve not heard much…Continue reading GDPR: you are allowed to maintain a blacklist, suppression list or stoplist. You are also allowed to freak out and panic.