I will be attending fosdem for the first time in a few days, and have been working hard figuring out all the best talks for Community Managers to go to. Here is a lowdown to save you the effort! Where there are conflicting events, the one I personally will attend is in black and the…Continue reading The Unofficial Community Managers Guide to FOSDEM 2015
Author: gingerling
“Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
I set out to explain a lot in this blog, I wanted to divine and define precisely what I have been feeling in the past few days, since it was announced that the new Bishop of Burnley is to be ordained by only males who have never ordained a woman. Burnley is my home town,…Continue reading “Tainted” Mum: reflections by the daughter of a woman vicar, following recent events in the Church.
The Encryption Game – teaching young people about email encryption
The game teaches the basic principles of asymmetric encryption in a fun way; that is a public and private key. Additional topics such as key servers, the web of trust and “back-door” snooping are also touched on.
Separating brand from function – a game for kids.
I am now a few weeks into my work at Techie Heaven, a church run youth group / hangout zone / part-time-hackspace in Clitheroe, Lancashire. The myth of the “Digital Native” It’s super encouraging to see the kids so engrossed in technology, and we have great fun messing about and learning new stuff. However, I…Continue reading Separating brand from function – a game for kids.
What did Vegans ate? Vol. 11
Take away curry and beer.
My damp north facing yard
In my new house the yard is north facing and shaded by the buildings around it. Currently there is a good deal of damp in the yard, with green “stuff” on a the paving and on the fence. The crazy paving is a little … crazy: the hard, non-porous cement between the stones forms an…Continue reading My damp north facing yard
What do vegans eat? Vol 9
For breakfast I am having marmite and hummus (mixed together!) on toast. I really love this bread by jacksons too! Also, a black cofee from the coffee exchange in the mum I got free with my nationwide (ethical!) mortgage. Hurrah!
What do vegans eat? Vol 10 – #leftoverfest!
#Leftoverfest is the best! You save up leftovers from a few days food, mix with some reduced food from the supermarket, and have a feast! We had… From top left in rows to right (roughly) Couldron organic marinated tofu pieces (like this) Reduced chili stirfry and fresh noodles (cost about 40p in total) 6p baguettes,…Continue reading What do vegans eat? Vol 10 – #leftoverfest!
The have a go hero (gardener) – a window box
I am not a good gardener. I either don’t do anything at all or I start over-large projects never to finish them, leaving a wake of dead plants and weed filled containers behind me. But things have changed now: I have a small damp north facing yard of my very own… so think it’s time…Continue reading The have a go hero (gardener) – a window box
What do vegans eat? Vol 8
Found some yummy mushrooms in booths, added them to a readymade pasta sauce with some greens and some yeast flakes to add a little extra protien and some vitamin b12