In May the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force (and no, brexit won’t get us out of it – still no benefit to brexit. Sorry.) In my view this is shaping up be a complicated piece of law for small businesses to follow, both intellectually and technically. Worryingly, I’ve not heard much…Continue reading GDPR: you are allowed to maintain a blacklist, suppression list or stoplist. You are also allowed to freak out and panic.
Author: gingerling
copy-pasting data from website table to libreoffice, formatting it as a csv in geddit
Yet another task getting data out of a fairly nasty/incoherent web-based table and moving it into LibreOffice for sorting/project planning. Presumably this is all “easier” with scripting but I don’t have the time/patience/inclination to learn, so here is my hacky method! It worked for 95% of my data, so I had 5 of 100 lines…Continue reading copy-pasting data from website table to libreoffice, formatting it as a csv in geddit
Freelance project manager for legal document archive transfer to Drupal
The Church of England general synod team needed to migrate the entire synod archive of legal documents over to the new Church of England website. Having previously managed the creation of an 800 page archive of reference material on Drupal for Church House Publishing, I was hired again for this project. 1450+ pdf archive I…Continue reading Freelance project manager for legal document archive transfer to Drupal
Why Piwik is now Matomo: on Forking and Damaged Trademarks
Piwik is the Free and Open Source Analytics project, like Google Analytics but a whole lot less creepy. On 9th January 2018 Piwik was renamed Matomo: I did a little digging and can shed some light on why this change has happened and how it highlights a wider issue for Open Source projects in world of Branding and brand loyalty.
Archbishop of Canterbury News Archive Move – Freelance Project Manager
I project managed the transfer of a news archive with 350+ posts from an defunct proprietary CMS to a new Drupal website. Working to a very tight deadline, I moved all news items 2015-2017 on The Archbishop of Canterbury’s website site, managing two data entry freelancers. The project included creating equivalent meta tags, navigation and…Continue reading Archbishop of Canterbury News Archive Move – Freelance Project Manager
Project management: 800 page liturgy archive for Church House Publishing
I project managed the creation of an 800 page archive of reference material for a Drupal website, using HTML extracted from 350 epub files and 300 images. Working to specifications from a variety of stakeholders and around complex technical obstacles I built the worship text and resources section of the award winning Church of England…Continue reading Project management: 800 page liturgy archive for Church House Publishing
Removing button names etc from a list of blogs/files/emails copied from a website (Gedit, Fedora)
Often if I have copied a list of blogs, files or emails from an app or website, where there is no export function, button names such as “Edit” and “Delete” will copy over. Often in a small list of items there will be several repeated junk phrases for each item of text I actually need.…Continue reading Removing button names etc from a list of blogs/files/emails copied from a website (Gedit, Fedora)
Quickly removing date/time stamps from a text file using find and replace (Gedit, Fedora)
I have been writing a lot recently about little obstacles I have come across while helping the Church of England move content from their old sites to their new ones. Making a list of all the content to be moved is often the first job, but many of the older/proprietary platforms don’t have the ability…Continue reading Quickly removing date/time stamps from a text file using find and replace (Gedit, Fedora)
Removing every other line, or every nth line, from a list using LibreOffice Calc
This is particularly useful when working with lists copied and pasted from withing software (like WordPress or Drupal). Perhaps you are making a list of blogs you have written or you want to check the order of a menu: often when you copy this data you get spare bits of html such as button names…Continue reading Removing every other line, or every nth line, from a list using LibreOffice Calc
Removing some text items e.g. files with certain extension, from a list in Libreoffice using COUNTIF
I am currently doing some work for the Church of England, moving and improving the repository of liturgy to their new website. There are a lot of files involved so using shortcuts for sorting out data and lists is vital. Removing unneeded items from a list Today I was working with an export of a…Continue reading Removing some text items e.g. files with certain extension, from a list in Libreoffice using COUNTIF