Last year I designed a new logo and website for National Estate Churches Network. On the surface it’s just a calm, simple logo – but in reality it has a lot of meaning behind it. The logo is designed to break the narrative of estates being miserable places: it acknowledges the good bits of life…Continue reading The Story Behind the New NECN Logo
Author: gingerling
Anna’s Climate Actions: Spoonie Options for Combating the Climate Catastrophe
I’m super frustrated right now – Brexit is mostly the only thing in the news and all we should be talking about is that other thing. Climate Catastrophe. I’m raring to go and full of motivation and also fear…. but I have full time health problems and all of the exciting, powerful actions are just…Continue reading Anna’s Climate Actions: Spoonie Options for Combating the Climate Catastrophe
Twitter account access when you lost access to your email
I have recently been working with a UK charity called National Estate Churches Network (NECN). I’ve been helping them rebuild their digital presence after a string of issues, both technical and otherwise, caused them to lose their domain name, website and email addresses. As a knock-on effect they had also lost access to their twitter…Continue reading Twitter account access when you lost access to your email
WordPress Portfolio theme: fix for “Nothing Found” + search box on home page
I experienced a bug recently with the Portfolio theme for WordPress, which I use on my Gingerling Design website. The bug was possibly triggered by the installation of the Gutenberg beta plugin. Usually on my Home Page shows a series of images generated from Blog posts, but one day it started showing a search box…Continue reading WordPress Portfolio theme: fix for “Nothing Found” + search box on home page
Setting up Phillips Hue on Mycroft mark 1 – including guide to basic SSH access
I will explain the difficulties I was having installing the Mycroft Phillips Hue Skill using the verbal command and show how I installed this skill using SSH. This can also serve as a basic guide for using SSH with Mycroft, including how to change the default password and how to install apps from github repositories.
Adventures with Mycroft Mark 1: Second hand blues and re-installing Mycroft AI
In this blog I introduce my new buddy Mycroft, an Open Source voice activated home assistant. I detail how to re-install his software if he has a big problem.
How to select your language in the ThyKingdomCome app
Hi! Welcome to my quick guide on how to you select your native/preferred language in the ThyKingdomCome app. I’ve been working with the ThyKingdomCome team for the past few months doing video subtitling, there a really great bunch and it’s a wonderful project! For this guide I’m using the Android version, however the process for…Continue reading How to select your language in the ThyKingdomCome app
Postcode based targeted email marketing for events using Mautic
Mautic, Open Source marketing software, can be used to send targeted emails about events to people on your mailing list who live within a radius of that event. The best thing about this process is the lists will always be up to date when you need them: next time an event is in the same area you have a list ready and waiting. Here’s how it’s done.
Removing duplicates from a list using Libreoffice
In this example, I will condense a list of paired-down postcodes into a short list by removing all the duplicate entries.
Troubleshooting changes in Analytics: Bounce rate down: Page views up caused by second Matomo / Google tracking code
Hi all, just a quick dip into website analytics today! Over the years I have learned that watching your analytics like they are drying paint after you make big changes to the site is a great way to…. find errors and be disappointed! (Not kidding unfortunatly) After most major website revamps I have been involved…Continue reading Troubleshooting changes in Analytics: Bounce rate down: Page views up caused by second Matomo / Google tracking code